These links are provided for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by SHINE.
Please contact us if you have a resource that could be shared on this page.

Related Networks
The Smoke-Free Homes Network is a collaboration of researchers, healthcare practitioners and third sector partners in Scotland working to find innovative ways to reduce exposure to second-hand smoke in homes. You can learn more about network activities and aims here.
The Smoke-free homes Network Malaysia was established in 2021 as part of the MyFamily MySmoke project, a collaboration between Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, International Islamic University of Malaysia and the University of Stirling. Sponsored by the Newton-Ungku Omar Fund & Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MiGHT), this project aims to aims to promote the implementation of smoke-free homes by empowering smokers to take their smoke outside of their homes. You can learn more here.
The CABIN network includes researchers in tobacco control, household air pollution (HAP) and neonatal health from Kenya, Malawi, the DRC, Ghana, South Africa and the UK to identify potential strategies to reduce HAP exposure reduction in pregnancy and improve outcomes for mothers and babies. There may be lessons to be shared between researchers on HAP, tobacco control and maternal-neonatal health to identify new strategies to promote behaviour change, such as mHealth interventions now common in smoking cessation research.
Media campaigns and policy initiatives

Take it Right Outside (TIRO)
The Scottish Government launched this national mass media initiative in 2014 encouraging smokers to smoke cigarettes outside their own home to protect children and other family members from second-hand smoke.
TIRO was accompanied by a world-first target aiming to reduce children’s exposure to second-hand smoke by 50% from 2012 levels by 2020. This target was achieved early in 2015 – with a reduction from 12% of children to 6% exposed to second-hand smoke. However, big inequalities still exist with much higher levels of child second-hand smoke exposure in poorer communities and no further reductions in the past 5 years.
You can access a range of TIRO videos on creating a smoke-free home, and car, and factsheets at

Resources for Parents
The FRESH making smoking history website, supported by the British Lung Foundation, includes several interactive resources for parents, relatives and carers. This includes practical information on how to protect children from second-hand smoke, facts about second-hand smoke, and information on the health risks of smoking in the car.
ASH Scotland has produced a guide for family members on how to protect your family from tobacco smoke at home and in the car, which can be downloaded here.

Training/Practitioner Resources
ASH Scotland has designed a trainer’s pack of activities and resources for early years practitioners who work directly with parent of young children. The pack is designed for use in parent sessions or parent classes rather than in a one-to-one setting.
The sessions cover the following key topics:
- Harmful chemicals in a cigarette and SHS
- What is SHS and how is it measured
- Health risks to children exposed to SHS
- Myths or misconceptions that parents/carers have about SHS
- Benefits to making a home smoke-free
- Challenges to making a home smoke-free and solutions to overcome these
- Action plan for making a home smoke-free
Please contact for more information or to request a downloadable version of the full pack.
In addition, ASH Scotland has produced a pocket guide for discussing second-hand smoke with families, designed for family support workers.

Resources for Schools
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde developed its Jenny and the Bear story resource as part of a coordinated programme which aims to increase awareness about the effects of second hand smoke on children and what parents/carers can do to ensure their children are not exposed to its harmful effects.
The programme is aimed at Primary 1 classes and consists of a story being read to the class followed by a classroom activity to agree a name for the bear in the story, which is then entered into the competition to win a Teddy Bear mascot for their classroom. All children who take part in the programme will be given a booklet version of the story to take home.
Visit Jenny and the Bear for further details, and resources including a lesson plan and video.